The California Supreme Court has unanimously voted to accept review in the matter of Valdez v. W.C.A.B. (Warehouse Demo Services) in order to address the following issue: Does Labor Code § 4616.6 exclude from evidence reports of a treating physician obtained by an applicant outside of his or her employer’s Medical Provider Network ?   Two en banc decisions by the Worker’s Compensation Appeals Board answered this question in the affirmative, but those decisions were overturned by the Court of Appeal.  The issue has been a great concern to California employers, many of whom employ such networks to provide reasonable medical care at controllable costs.  As a result, 19 amicus letters were filed urging the Supreme Court to reverse the Court of Appeal, representing most of California’s counties, cities, and school districts in additional to numerous other public and privates entities, particularly self-insured employers who often rely on MPNs.