Tag Archives: Consumer Protection

Preemption, Standing and Vexatious Litigants on California Supreme Court’s May Argument Docket

The California Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments for May, including four civil cases. Brown v. Mortensen: The Court will address whether the Federal Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.) preempts causes of action for the improper disclosure of medical information under California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (Civ. Code, § 56 et … Continue Reading

The California Supreme Court Issues Unanimous Opinions Addressing Insurance, Consumer Protection and ADR

Insurance – In Century-National Ins. Co. v. Jesus Garcia, the court held that a fire insurance policy could not exclude coverage for innocent insureds because of the intentional acts of another insured; in this case the intentional act of the son setting fire to his parents house. The policy excluded coverage based on the intentional … Continue Reading

California Supreme Court Holds To Strict Interpretation Of Anti-Spam Statute

In Kleffman v. Vonage Holdings Corp., the Court addressed a legal question from the Ninth Circuit regarding the application of Business and Professions Code §17529.5(a)(2) to spam e-mails that were being sent from multiple domain names to avoid spam filters. While this statute bars spam which “contains or is accompanied by falsified, misrepresented, or forged … Continue Reading

Texas Supreme Court Civil Issues Pending: Consumer Protection

[UPDATED THROUGH APRIL 1, 2010] Jury Instructions—Mitigation of Damages—Usury—Consumer Status. Did the trial court correctly submit the issue of causation in its jury instruction? Was lender’s oral agreement to pay delinquent property taxes supported by consideration? Did lender’s agreement to pay taxes amount to the provision of an escrow service thereby conferring consumer status on … Continue Reading