Tag Archives: Domestic Relations

Illinois Supreme Court Holds Custody Evaluator’s Fees Not Court Costs Under Dismissal Statutes

  On Thursday, the Illinois Supreme Court handed down its decision in In re Marriage of Tiballi, answering a question of potential importance to domestic relations practitioners: are the fees of a court-appointed psychologist “costs” which must be fully paid when one party decides to drop a custody dispute? A unanimous court found that the answer … Continue Reading

Is a Workers’ Compensation Settlement “Income” for Child-Support Purposes?

Workers’ compensation payments are excluded from income for purposes of federal income taxes. But are they “income” for purposes of calculating a party’s child support obligation? At the close of its September term, the Illinois Supreme Court announced it would resolve this question in Mayfield v. Mayfield. Mayfield presents two questions: (1) is a lump-sum workers’ compensation … Continue Reading