Tag Archives: election law

Illinois Supreme Court Announces Oral Argument Calendar for September Term

The Illinois Supreme Court has announced its oral argument calendar [pdf] for the upcoming September term, and it contains just one civil case. On September 22, 2010, the Court will hear argument in Hossfeld v. Illinois State Board of Elections, No. 109725.  Hossfeld involves the question of whether the appellant was a qualified primary voter for … Continue Reading

Texas Supreme Court Grants Review in Six Cases

On April 9, the Texas Supreme Court granted petitions for review in the following cases: Offshore Specialty Fabricators v. Wellington Underwriting Associates. The case addresses whether an all-risk insurance policy covers weather stand-by charges incurred by the insured. XTO Energy Inc. v. Smith Production Inc. The case will determine whether joint operating agreements for oil … Continue Reading

Illinois Supreme Court Allows Petitions for Review in Eight New Civil Cases

This afternoon, the Illinois Supreme Court allowed petitions for review in eight new civil cases.  They are: Williams v. Board of Review, 395 Ill.App.3d 337 (1st Dist., 2009), which involves review of a decision by the Board of Review of the Department of Employment Security to deny a terminated employee’s application for a Federally-funded trade readjustment … Continue Reading