Tag Archives: Settlement

California Supreme Court Rules That an Insured Seeking to Undo a Settlement Agreement with Its Insurer Must Sue for Rescission and Return the Settlement Proceeds

This case arises out of an insured’s claim against its insurer for property damages caused by an earthquake that struck the Los Angeles area in 1984.  After a protracted dispute (during which the insurer made substantial payments) over the value of the claimed damages, and the extent to which they were earthquake-related, the parties entered … Continue Reading

A Mediator Cannot Confirm the Terms of the Settlement Reached Without a Waiver under California Evidence Code § 703.5

In a case brought to enforce a settlement reached at mediation, a dispute arose about the final terms of the settlement reached. One of the parties offered the declaration of the mediator to confirm the accuracy of the attached agreement. In Radford v. Shehorn, the Second District Court of Appeal held this was inadmissible under … Continue Reading